SCIENTIFIC SCHEDULE > Keynote speaker - Nathalie LACELLE thursday april 6




Opening conference : « Littératie multimodale en culture numérique scolaire »

Nathalie Lacelle ( is the Research Chair in Multimodal Media Literacy, professor of media literacy didactics in the Department of Language Didactics at UQAM, leader of the LMM research team, co-leader of the Littérature québécoise mobile (Education) partnership, leader of the Laboratoire virtuel québécois de l'édition et de l'éducation aux œuvres numériques jeunesse (Labyrinthe. ca) and editor of the Revue de recherche en LMM (R2LMM). Her research activities focus on the didactics of literature, digital literacy and media arts. She has led some 20 research projects on digital reading and production skills - in partnership with the cultural and educational communities - and has published nearly 100 articles and books. In 2019, she was awarded the Prix d'excellence en carrière en recherche by the Faculty of Education at UQAM.

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